Brookings City Council sets January 30th Special Election on Marketplace

The Brookings City Council sets January 30th as the date for a special election on the Marketplace referendum.

Petitions have been submitted and verified to refer the Council’s November 14th decision to amend the Marketplace agreement.

Ryan Companies of Minneapolis was planning to buy 18-acres for 1.1 million dollars. Instead, they now want 10-acres for $610,000. An initial plan with a large anchor tenant has shifted to two smaller stores. The Council had agreed to the change.

A petition to refer that decision was turned in with over 1000 valid signatures; 651 were required.

City Clerk Bonnie Foster says the Council has two options. They could hold the vote with the April City Election or set a special election. Staff recommended going with the special election. The Council did not discuss the matter before voting unanimously for January 30th.

The Council also voted to discuss the Marketplace property on January 16th.

According to City documents, the cost of a stand alone special election could be as much as $25,000.


December 13, 2023