Brookings School Board releases names of the superintendent search interview committees

The Brookings School District issued the following press release on the superintendent search:

The Brookings School Board is pleased to announce the names of the individuals who will serve on an interview committee for the Brookings School District Superintendent search. Interviews will be held Saturday, April 29th. As per South Dakota law, the interviews are held in executive session.

The Board will take the feedback of the groups very seriously for the next step of the decisionmaking process. More information will be provided following the interview process on Saturday.

Dakota Education Consulting has utilized a search and interview method to assist school districts for over 170 searches.

Committee A Parent/Community: Dan Nelson, Paul Barnes, Kate Treiber, Pat Reger, Bob Jostad, Tim Reed, Mike Holbeck, Lt. Terry Coon, Seth Sayler, Cam Jones, Nick Wendell.

Committee B Administrators/Directors: Amanda Kesteloot Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Laura Gerjets, Assistant Director of Business Services, Heather Asmussen Director of Special Services, Laura Swier Director of Child Nutrition, Nate Loehr Director of Transportation, Jason Smidt Director of Instructional Technology & Knowledge Management, Tanna Stadler Preschool5th Grade Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Michelle Vande Weerd 6th12th Grade Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Chris Gruenhagen Medary Elementary Principal, Shannon Smith Hillcrest Elementary Principal, Sarah Weber Dakota Prairie Elementary
Principal, Camrin Vaux Camelot Intermediate Principal, Todd Foster Mickelson Middle School Principal, Matt Christie Mickelson Middle School Assistant Principal, Paul von Fischer Brookings High School Principal.

Committee C Teachers/Classified Staff: Tyler Schneider Parent & Social Studies Teacher, Amanda Chapman Brookings High School Graduate & 4th Grade Teacher at Camelot Intermediate, Amy Nielson Special Education Department & Early Childhood at Dakota Prairie Elementary, Jan Schallenkamp Secretary at Hillcrest Elementary, Andrea Fish Parent & Tech Teacher at Medary Elementary, Gabe Schwartz Head Custodian at Hillcrest Elementary, Tami Varpness Parent & Bus Driver, Ginger Bothe Parent & Child Nutrition at Hillcrest Elementary, Melissa Anderson Brookings Education Association CoPresident & 4th Grade Teacher at Camelot
Intermediate, Josh Johnson Agriculture Teacher at Brookings High School, Darcy Vincent Parent & 5th Grade Teacher at Camelot Intermediate, Amy Lease
Parent & Music Teacher at Medary Elementary, Kyleigh Cramer Parent & Brookings School District Foundation Director.

Committee D School Board/Business Manager: Keli Books School Board President, Wes Tschetter School Board Vice President, Deb DeBates School Board Member, Teresa Binkley School Board Member, Teri Johnson School Board Member, Brian Lueders Director of Business Operations


April 28, 2023