Early voting begins in Brookings on Marketplace referendum

Early and absentee voting for the January 30th City of Brookings Special Election will be available begin Friday, January 12th and will be available through Monday, January 29th. Election Day is January 30.

Early voting is in the first floor lobby of the Brookings City & County Government Center. Regular hours are from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Any registered voter may cast an early ballot in person. All voters will be required to show photo identification.

Voters will cast their ballots in a referendum on the Brookings City Council’s November 14th decision to amend the Marketplace agreement.

Ryan Companies of Minneapolis was planning to buy 18-acres for 1.1 million dollars. Instead, they want 10-acres for $610,000. An initial plan that included a large anchor tenant has shifted to two smaller stores. The Council agreed to the change and that was referred.


January 12, 2024