Episode 816 The Legend Bob Propst Sr.
My BetweenHooksets partner Curt Underhill started telling me all these Bob Propst Sr. stories and they are unique, every one! Well there is SO much to Bob Sr. that I didn’t know where to start and where to stop so I just…started. Bob passed in November of 2012. #ittoutdoors #WalleyeFishingPodcast #WalleyeFishing #WalleyePodcast
Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame | https://www.freshwater-fishing.org/inductees-list-gallery/#(autogrid-grid-5c9bc65c17379|filter)=.O-P-Q-R;(autogrid-grid-5c9bc65c17379|popup)=/wp-content/plugins/wp_auto_grid/galleries/inductees-letters-list//O%20P%20Q%20R/Propst,%20Bob.jpg;