Hy-Vee Reserves One Hour of Aisles Online Shopping Each Day for Those Considered High Risk; Partners with DoorDash for 20,000 Free Deliveries
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa (March 31, 2020) — Hy-Vee, Inc. announces today that it will be reserving one hour of Hy-Vee Aisles Online shopping time slots each day for customers who are considered “high-risk.” Aisles Online is Hy-Vee’s grocery ordering service available at hy-vee.com/grocery/ or via the Hy-Vee Aisles Online mobile app.
Starting this Thursday, the reserved Aisles Online time slots will be from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., seven days a week, which coincides with the in-store hours reserved for these customers:
- Ages 60 and older
- Expectant mothers
- Anyone with an underlying health condition(s) that makes him/her more susceptible to serious illness
Pharmacies at Hy-Vee locations are also open to serve these customers from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. These locations include pharmacies inside its grocery stores, Mainstreet locations, Dollar Fresh stores and Hy-Vee Drugstores.All other customers are asked to please respect this hour reserved for these high-risk customers, and limit their online shopping orders to time slots available 8 a.m. or after, seven days a week.
In addition to this effort, Hy-Vee has partnered with DoorDash to offer free delivery to this group of high-risk customers. In communities where Hy-Vee Aisles Online delivery orders are fulfilled by DoorDash, customers can use designated promo code “SPECIALDELIVERY” at checkout when they place their online order for delivery. The code will also be available on the Hy-Vee website. The promotion with DoorDash can be used for any available Hy-Vee Aisles Online time slot and will cover as many as 20,000 free deliveries.
About Hy-Vee, Inc.
Hy-Vee, Inc. is an employee-owned corporation operating more than 265 retail stores across eight Midwestern states with sales of $10 billion annually. The supermarket chain is synonymous with quality, variety, convenience, healthy lifestyles, culinary expertise and superior customer service. Hy-Vee ranks in the Top 10 Most Trusted Brands and has been named one of America’s Top 5 favorite grocery stores. The company’s more than 80,000 employees provide “A Helpful Smile in Every Aisle” to customers every day. For additional information, visit www.hy-vee.com.
About DoorDash
DoorDash is a technology company that connects customers with their favorite local and national businesses in more than 4,000 cities and all 50 states across the United States, Canada and Australia. Founded in 2013, DoorDash empowers merchants to grow their businesses by offering on-demand delivery, data-driven insights, and better in-store efficiency, providing delightful experiences from door to door. By building the last-mile delivery infrastructure for local cities, DoorDash is bringing communities closer, one doorstep at a time. Read more on the DoorDash blog or at www.doordash.com.