Brookings scores 100 on equality index for 3rd straight year

For the third straight year, Brookings has received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2020 Municipal Equality Index.

That word Thursday from the City of Brookings and the Brookings Human Rights Commission.

The MEI evaluates and rates cities yearly on a variety of criteria that affect the LGBTQ community.

The scorecard includes rating non-discrimination laws, the municipality as an employer, municipal services, law enforcement, and leadership in LGBTQ equality.

Brookings City Mayor Keith Corbett says he is impressed that Brookings once again was able to maintain a score of 100. Mayor Corbett says the Human Rights Commission and the community deserve credit for their continued dedication to make Brookings inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

The average score for cities in South Dakota is 33 out of 100 points, which falls below the national average of 64. The next-highest score in South Dakota is Sioux Falls at 62.


December 4, 2020