Gov. Noem’s approval rating slips significantly since June

Governor Kristi Noem’s approval rating in South Dakota has slipped.

According to a recent poll by Emerson College, Noem’s job approval rating has fallen to 43%. It was 61% as recently as June. The poll indicates 37% disapprove of the job she is doing in office

The poll shows her support from her fellow registered Republicans is 73%. Noem is least popular with those under 30. Only 30% of young people think she’s doing a good job.

Noem’s approval among male residents is 17 points higher than among women, with a 52% approval rating among male voters compared to 35% among women.

The Emerson College Polling South Dakota poll was conducted October 1-4, 2023. The sample consisted of 432 South Dakota voters with a  margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points.


October 23, 2023