More than $75 million in loans and grants approved for Brookings water treatment and wastewater improvements

The South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources approves one-point-one billion dollars in funding for over 90 water and wastewater projects across the state.

Department of Ag and Natural Resources Secretary Hunter Roberts says its applying huge amounts of federal funding, including $400-million in American Rescue Plan Act dollars.

Among the local projects, Brookings receives a $51-million Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $21-million ARPA grant to build a new Water Treatment Facility along 34th Avenue and add six new wells. Brookings also received a $4-million Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to make improvements to the wastewater collection system on 34th.

Aurora received a $1.8-million Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $2.5-million ARPA grant to replace or rehabilitate sewer mains and manholes.

Volga received a $1.2 million Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $900-thousand ARPA grant to make drinking water system improvements.

Roberts says these are long term investments and projects were approved on a priority basis.

Roberts says they have until 2026 to spend all the federal funds.


April 15, 2022