Brookings Health System limiting visitors due to COVID-19

Starting today, Brookings Health System is closing the inpatient care unit to visitors in order to protect both patients and team members from COVID-19.

This step is due to the substantial spread of COVID-19 in the community. Chief Nursing Officer Tammy Hillestad says they must take this measure in order to ensure patient safety, and to safeguard staff from inadvertently contracting COVID-19 from an asymptomatic visitor.

Exceptions will be made to allow one support person per 24-hour period for pediatric patients under the age of 18; patients with confusion, altered mental status or developmental delays; and end-of-life patients.

One visitor/support person will still be allowed per patient per day for outpatient procedures, emergency room visits and clinic visits. In addition, OB patients will still be allowed one partner plus one birth support person.


October 26, 2020