SD lawmakers to consider 4 vetoes today

State legislators return to Pierre today to consider four vetoes issued by Governor Kristi Noem.

Gov. Noem removed most of the intrigue from the one-day veto session last week by signing the state budget and the four-year cut in the sales tax from 4.5 to 4.2 percent.

Noem had said she might veto both because legislators failed to pass her campaign-promised elimination of the sales tax on food.

The four vetoes under consideraiton today includes a measure to amend the Uniform Commercial Code on cryptocurrency. Another would enhance the penalty against people convicted of assaulting school employees. A third would allow students studying fermentation to “sip and pit” alcoholic beverages if they were 18 and older. The final bill deals with revisions to industrial hemp.

It takes a two-thirds vote of both chambers to override a gubernatorial veto. That’s 24 votes in the Senate and 46 votes in the House.


March 27, 2023